Donations & Giving - Cullen & Deskford Church

We believe that a vital part of belonging is helping to ‘pay the bills’. Making a regular financial contribution to the work of the local church is not only biblical but a very practical way of standing shoulder to shoulder with the whole church and giving donations to cullen and deskford churchdemonstrating your commitment and support.

The work of Cullen & Deskford Church is financed in part from the contributions of its members. Additional income is raised through the letting of our facilities to local groups, weddings and funerals and fundraising activities.

A full financial report, audited accounts and annual budget is published each year and made available at the Annual Stated Meeting.
Visitors to the church are under no obligation to give.

How can you give?

If you have any questions about giving to Cullen & Deskford Church of Scotland or about any of the information here, or to let us know about any changes in your giving, please contact the Treasurer by sending us an email.